What’s Coming This Week

Good morning all you early risers! Well, and late risers too if you are reading this later in the day.

Coming up this week on Tuesday will be the first of Tutorial Tuesdays. Since I have not had time to play with any recording software to see how to make a video of modeling, Tuesday will be a number of screen shots and explanations about laying out a design in blender to get your model started. Since I am making a Dragon in hard surface, I’ll be using that for the example. Later I will do one covering subdivisions, but since that is a little more work, I’ll save it for a video.

Thursday will be project updates on the two models I am working on so images will be posted no matter how far I have gotten.

I’m thinking of other things I can do here. Friday I would love to post up images of models of mine that you all have painted. I am thinking of making a gallery page for that as well to show off everyone’s work. So, if through the week you would like to send me images, I would really love that.

If you have any thoughts or ideas, please feel free to drop them in the comments.

One thought on “What’s Coming This Week

  1. I’m looking forward to this. You’ve taught me a ton already but I’m willing to bet I’m missing some fundamentals.


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