They are in the store, ready for downloading.

Quick update time.
Getting all the poses done, but this has been kind of a shitty week personally. Nothing that I can put a finger on, but it’s like everything that could go wrong did. So I’m not stumbling through the weekend trying to keep a bad mood at bay.
Anyway, I’ll be doing the images tomorrow and hopefully wrapping it all up and getting it posted up
So part of what I have been doing on my variants is trying to make changes to the design that show the progression of time and design update. A lot like the way a 69 Mustang doesn’t look the same as a 72, an 80, or a 2023 version.
I don’t want to do total design changes, because that would be overkill, and time consuming, but various details help sell the illusion
So, the first image is the primitive Orion followed by the ON1-K and then the ON-V.
I’ve done other body changes as well on them to some of the detail, but one thing I am really liking is how the arm mounted SRMs came out. Beefy and intimidating.
Almost done with the variants so I should have them ready by this weekend.
(cross posted on Patreon)