
Hey everyone!!  So I’ve decided that I’m going to post the tutorials every other week.  I want to do them right and with everything going on it will take a bit longer to do them.  

My last ones were just record and post, but I really want to put out quality for you so that will mean editing and some post production things, not elaborate, but it will take a little longer.  

Thanks for understanding.  I will still ask you post questions for me, comments, whatnot.  

Tutorial Tuesday

Good morning everyone!  Since I was asked for tips and things I am going to make Tuesday’s  a tutorial day.  To start with, let me advise you that I am old.

As in, I learned to do modeling when Zbrush was so new it was not being taught as part of the curriculum, that kind of old.  I then ended up getting out of the animation field and ended up in finance (long story involving layoffs, kids, and needing money).

So, my way can be more old school and there are probably a hundred different, and better ways to do it out there, but hopefully this will help you along with the how I do my mech models and

I am not going to reinvent the wheel since there is already and source for learning to use Blender with Blender Guru’s excellent Blender Beginner Donut Series and he deserves a lot of credit here because I learned on Maya and 3DStudio Max (which I cannot afford) so his series got me up and familiar with Blender in a short period of time.

Now, there are a few addons that I use which make life a heck of a lot easier and, if you are sufficiently invested I would recommend spending the cash on them.

Boxcutter and HardOps – $38 bucks on the Blender Market but man, does it REALLY help out. Cablerator – $14 on the Blender Market.  Great for doing cables, pipes with angles, and the like.

On the progress side: Powersave – $1 on Blender Market.  Adds and autosave function to Blender beyond what it already has to make sure you don’t lose your progress by accident.

I know this isn’t a lot when it comes to tips and tricks, but next week I will try to have a video of how I block things in and get ready for making a model.    If not a video, then there will be LOTS of screen shots.