I know I promised to have the video finished today, but I let myself get distracted and I think you will forgive me when you see WHY I was distracted which is the four images below. Plus, the video editing is taking longer than anticipated (which, I am not sure what I expected it to take since it’s all new to me, but obviously longer than I thought)

I started the TBolt on Friday and the Hollander on Saturday. Going to try to get them all finished by the weekend.

TBolt is a rework of an old model that the original Blender file was lost, so I have made many improvements on it and the Hollander is new.


Hey everyone!!  So I’ve decided that I’m going to post the tutorials every other week.  I want to do them right and with everything going on it will take a bit longer to do them.  

My last ones were just record and post, but I really want to put out quality for you so that will mean editing and some post production things, not elaborate, but it will take a little longer.  

Thanks for understanding.  I will still ask you post questions for me, comments, whatnot.  

Tutorial Tuesday 1

Good morning, everyone!

So this is the first of Tutorial Tuesday and I hope you all like it. I am going to try and do it as a video for the next one but, considering I just got my computer up and running this Saturday, I didn’t have time to play with any of it.

Diving in – When I start a new model, reference sources are key to the design process. Images of the mech I am making, plus (sometimes) other industrial images that can help fill things in, and other mecha stuff just to get more ideas for shapes, joints and armor. So for this one I am doing the Dragon and was lucky enough to also find an orthographic of the mech.