Launcher Shape

So what shape should I make the 0 series missile launcher? Round, or whatever the heck that other shape is?I feel the odd shape fits a bit better with the square frame and shape of the 0 series and then it gets refined with the next series into the round shape we all know. But […]

Well, I know some of you are disappointed in the results and it looks like some people switched their votes in the end which put the Longbow over the top for the win.

I agree on the Wardog an Bandersnatch so those are going on the ‘Must be built” list to try and get out before the end of the year. As soon as I finish the 9 series TBolt (posting and glamor shots) I’ll get to work on the Longbow.

Thank you all for the participation

New Poll!

Since I am finishing the Maelstrom rework, and also getting the Thunderbolt rework done, I figure it’s a good time for another poll. This has been pulled from the Discord (if you aren’t on there and want to be, shoot me a message) and the requests that have been posted. This will close at the […]

Poll Ends Today!!!

The poll closes soon so if you haven’t voted yet, get it in because in 15 hours it will be over.

I’ve started a side project that I’ll work on a bit at a time. It’s going to be a diorama that will involve sculpting (as in actual clay and tools) 3d printing, maybe some LED lights and lots of paint. It’s going to be a mech battle from my merc unit from YEARS ago I am calling “Last Stand of the Black Kings”

So, if it goes the way I see it in my head there will be rubble, fallen mechs, smoke, fire and one lone lance standing against unseen odds. We will see if I can make it reality. Starting the process is rebuilding one of the models – the Stormbringer.

My original model was pretty good, but that was then and this is now, so pretty good needs to be a whole lot better.

Next Question

I meant to have this up yesterday, but it turns out I have bronchitis and the doctor put me on Prednisone and some other decongestant that knocked me out cold.  Which was good because Sunday I got maybe three hours of sleep from coughing so much.So, here’s the choices based on suggestions from the last […]

Next Week

Hey everyone!  Still trying to figure out the Sabutai.  It’s the weapon mounts that are messing me over.  A UAC20  on the wing is just a massive piece of equipment and I am trying to figure out how to make it look like it belongs there.So, while I plug away on that I am going […]

Voting is Done

Voting is compete and all ballot have been tabulated by our crack team of poll watchers and we have a winner with the Wolverine followed closely by the Enfield.

So that is the lineup for the next two models.  Wolverine and then Enfield.  

Also, I have been moved in my current job to a 4×10 shift so I will have Thursdays off and will be working 0730-1800 Monday – Wednesday and Friday.  Should allow for some more modeling in the end.   Then again, if I get the position that I applied for this whole shift is out the window anyway.  

So, guess I will just have to wait and see.

What’s Next?

While I am working on the Sabutai, I need something else to be pushing forward on. That’s where you all come in 😀POLL TIME!!!! So we are sticking with IS this time around simply because I am already working on one omni and I don’t need a second one messing things up for me. So, […]