When I got it in February they had designed it with only four thin post to hold the projector and those all snapped during shipping.

Took forever to get the brackets they made to replace the post mounts, then I couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t project an image. finally took off the front plate and found where one of the ribbon cables had pulled out when the projector has broken off it’s mounts.

But finally, it is working. Time to do some test prints

Productivity is Dead

My daughter gave me one of those 24 hour bugs she picked up from her therapy class.

You know, the kind that gave her a mild fever and an upset stomach, but when I got it the same bug tried to kill me through projectile vomiting and body aches? Yeah, that kind of bug. It has been a long, long time since I have felt that miserable.

So, I am going to recoup through the weekend, get caught up on my classwork, get a test run on my Apex printer, and then work on the Gallowglass.

It’s a good thing she is cute and tax deductible.

I’m Old, Gandalf

Had to go to Lowe’s today because I was finally fixing the fucktastic job the builder did when they put the light gang box in my office.

Had one of their employees come up when he saw my Clan Wolf shirt.

“Is that Wolf’s Dragoons?”

“No, Clan Wolf. Wolf’s Dragoons came from Clan Wolf.”

“Cool! Yeah, I’ve been playing Mechwarrior since Mechwarrior 3. How long have you been into it?”

Me, feeling the years settle on me like a lead weight “Since 1986 when I was in the Navy.”

He stared at me. I now imagine him talking to his friends “I met one of the ancient ones!!”

Excuse me while I crumble into dust.

Up and Coming!

Good morning!  Finishing up the Enfield this week I think, along with the Sabutai.  All that I have on the Sabutai is the weapons pods and how that is going to work.  So while the Enfield will probably be this weekend, the Sabutai will be next week.  

Also, working on the bases as well and doing the Clans as part of it.  I’ll be releasing those as sets and also individually.  Individually it will be $1.00 and the sets, for like the six houses would be $5, so obviously a better deal in the set.  if you have a merc unit and you want your logo on a base, let me know.  The price on that is $25 and I can generally finish them  in around an hour or two.  

PLUS!!!  If that isn’t enough, I am starting a new class for project management as part of my career development work.  So that will be three months of fun.  What is everyone else up to with Spring in the air?

Phase 2

So I finished the new table saw work base and converted the old one (which was my very first attempt at making something that big) into a temporary staging area for the new resin printer, cure and wash station, and FDM printer.  

Now to finish assembling the FDM printer, set up the Apex printer, and make sure it all works.


Well, I decided that I should start doing some print setup stuff before the printer actually gets here.  Lychee supports the Apex printer so I loaded that profile up and decided to see how many models it could hold.  I knew it would be a lot because it’s a pretty large print plate, but dear LORD!!  

36 Wolverines loaded on there with room to tilt them for printing and support.  Also able to put two of my statues on there with plenty of room.

I can see I am going to be using a LOT of resin.

Cannot Brain Today

So I got my basic hands done, and the greebles too, and now I have the Sabutai to get back on, but I literally cannot brain today. I opened the file, stared at it like a stoned monkey and accomplished not a damn thing.

I mean, I know what needs to be done, it’s RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF ME! But actually pushing pixels around is just not happening. Going to go into the garage and do some woodworking and hope it resets my brain to modeling.

Hope you all have a great New Years and I hope the coming year sees better days for everyone. As I told my team – Have a great weekend and no, I will not post your bail.

Making an asset library.  Most of these I had already (the weapons and equipment) but I have been setting up a file of greebles to make tricking out my mechs with details a little easier.  

By having it all in an asset library, I can just drag it from the library into the scene and that will speed things up a bit for me.  

I hope everyone had a merry and peaceful Christmas.  My kids got (in order of age) guitar, ukulele, xylophone, and drums.  Yes, it is a circus around here.  Yes, we did it to ourselves but it was totally worth it.