
Well, the tax deductible petri dishes that are my children decided to share whatever bug they had with me. Thursday afternoon I started feeling sick and then I woke up this morning to 100% FML fever.

I’m still trying to get the legs done on the 12 series and get it all out by Sunday, but I am running slower that normal because of this.

Hope everyone else isn’t dealing with whatever crud seems to be flying around.


5 thoughts on “Sick

  1. It’s going around buddy. Our hospital is overrun right now especially with patients having RSV. Stay hydrated, take some Tylenol and most of all… relax. Take some time to recover!

    1. You forgot to tell me to change my socks too! 😀

      Yes, I am staying hydrated. For me the worst part is the congestion is making it hard to sleep so I am getting a few hours here and there but not like a full eight hours.


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