Want to wish all of you a peaceful Memorial Day. Today I remember my father who fought in Korea as part of Navy UDT.
One story he would tell (one of the very few he would tell about the war) was how he and a buddy were on leave and decided to head south to have some fun. Since they didn’t have any transportation they found an Army jeep and liberated it from where it was parked.
When they got back from causing trouble they were, of course, arrested and were set to be court martialed for it but, as luck would have it, they needed his team for a mission to blow up a bridge in North Korean territory so they ‘postponed’ the court martial so he could go on the mission. When he got back they “forgot” to follow up on it.
Dad was a sailor, a demolitions expert, a trained investigator, boxer, police officer, private eye, truck driver, security expert, father, grandfather, and cowboy.
Miss you dad.