September 30th was my birthday and I got to celebrate it by putting together a new desk my wife got for me. My old desk was put together as a temporary solution about six years ago when I started working from home part time. The idea was I could put this one together in the shop really quick with materials I already had and then make something better later on.

Well, one think got in the way of another and I never got around to building something better. I will say, it had a LOT of usable space but it kinda dominated the room. The new desk, well, lets just say it is very cool and does everything I need it to do and has space to hold everything I need.

And yes, it even has a cupholder. There are LED lights on the riser shelves that I need to hook up, but I’m pretty happy with how it is right now so I am going to get back to work finishing the Dragon and working on the other two.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you very much!
Happy birthday!!!