So I got my basic hands done, and the greebles too, and now I have the Sabutai to get back on, but I literally cannot brain today. I opened the file, stared at it like a stoned monkey and accomplished not a damn thing.
I mean, I know what needs to be done, it’s RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF ME! But actually pushing pixels around is just not happening. Going to go into the garage and do some woodworking and hope it resets my brain to modeling.
Hope you all have a great New Years and I hope the coming year sees better days for everyone. As I told my team – Have a great weekend and no, I will not post your bail.
it happens to everyone. take that break, whittle a chain 🔗 or something and let your brain rest. New Year, New challenges.
I grabbed my son and started cutting down some 4’x8′ 3/4 plywood for a new table saw/router stand. He’s twelve and we ended up talking about the advantages and disadvantages of automatic vs manual transmissions.
Before that he was asking questions about the market, banking, and how investments work. He has a lot of good questions.